Play Better Golf Instruction Programs
We have developed a revolutionary Golf Instruction & Lessons Program to grow the game.
It's a proven fact that how well we play significantly affects how much fun we have. Foresight Golf wants our customers to have the most fun possible and has made the commitment to helping our customers improve their enjoyment of the game. We have come to realize that the only way to improve is to have the right balance of quality instruction and productive practice. Being able to enjoy affordable instruction from qualified teachers is a huge part of the improvement process.
At Foresight Golf, we have developed a revolutionary Golf Instruction & Lessons Program called Play Better Golf. Our emphasis is on three distinct fundamental groups.
- Those who want to learn to play the game.
- Kids that learn through our Junior Academy.
- Experienced golfers seeing to improve their game.
Our commitment to the sport isn't just about our courses, it's about helping our customers have the most fun and the best golf experience possible. We believe that this will ultimately be good for them, good for us and good for the game of golf!
How Do You Participate?
Join The Men's Golf Association or Women's Golf Association for ANY Foresight Golf Course Property! These associations have been developed to encourage you to work on your game, meet new golfers, receive affordable golf lessons, and enjoy the camaraderie of friendly competition all adding up to enjoying golf more! For more information, please contact the course where you plan to grow your game.